Jake Sciammas

What do you do?
I have a variety of hats from outdoor and recreation management instruction to team-building and organizational development consulting.  Lately, I have been focusing on my role as President of La Crosse Neighborhoods, Inc. which helps to support and improve our neighborhood associations.

Why did you get involved in La Crosse SOUP?
I love that SOUP is about action.  I am a person who seeks out ways to get folks together to share ideas and develop the great potential of La Crosse.  So, naturally, after the very first event at the Root Note, I knew I’d be a lifer.

What is your favorite place in La Crosse?
All of our neighborhoods of course! – and even more so when being enjoyed by foot, bike or transit.

Ashley Skoczynski

What do you do?
I work at the La Crosse Builders Exchange.

Why did you get involved in La Crosse SOUP?
SOUP is a fun way to bring people together with the goal of improving La Crosse. I believe SOUP events will have a lasting impact on individuals, organizations, and the community as a whole.

What is your favorite place in La Crosse?
I enjoy walking in Riverside Park and spending time near the Mississippi River while people-watching. Also, hiking in any of the trails is always fun!

Nicole Van Ert

What do you do?
I am the program coordinator of the D.B. Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership at Viterbo University.  I also teach undergraduate and graduate courses, primarily within the College of Business and Leadership.

Why did you get involved in La Crosse SOUP?
SOUP provides the opportunity to participate in something that brings people together…that’s what its all about.

What is your favorite place in La Crosse?
The Viterbo University campus and the Mississippi River – both for their beautiful landscape, rich history and peaceful energy.